Alid Faski Natva

Part 8

The yogi philosophy was established in fourth century before Christ. During the history of that at times it happened that yogis were subject to persecution. Therefore every now and then the teachers would demonstrate some of theirs spiritual and physical abilities. About two hundred years ago the head of one of the yoga school demonstrated to a ruler-raja, what yogis could achieve.

He offered to burry himself alive for forty two days and claimed that he would still be alive after that. Naturally no one believed his words, including the raja himself, but he “generously” allowed the yogi to demonstrate his abilities, hoping that it would be the last experience in the life of this yogi; and after that he would be able to close up all yoga schools. The yoga teacher had prepared himself for it in a special only known to him way: slowed his breath, started breathing through the pores of his skin and slowed down all other vital processes in his body. His students clogged with a special wax all openings on his body so the worms could not get in and then they brought him to the specially dug for the occasion hole. The Raja himself with his cohort was present at the “burial”; he wanted to make sure no one was going to fool him. In front of his own eyes students buried their teacher. People were horrified… The burial place was constantly watched day after day by the raja’s servants. Finally the forty two days passed by… People gathered around the grave. Raja arrived with his cohort. They started digging up the grave than took the casket out and opened up the lead. The people sighed! Inside they saw a horrible picture: shriveled, dark with green at places body, the skin wrinkled; the body looked almost dead! Even the raja could not look at that. The students started to work on him.

They began to pour hot water on their teacher’s body; it was almost boiled water, which was prepared beforehand. The onlookers were baffled with what they where doing. It looked to them like the yogis wanted to cook the skin of the dead body and they felt pity for the poor fellow who would not get any piece even after his death. The skin being affected by the hot water became burgundy in color and some blisters appeared at some places and then popped. It was an unbearable sight. But the students knew what they were doing. Slowly the signs of life began to show: slight breathing movements, the eyelids trembling. Physiological processes began to return. Slight movement of one arm then the other one…than the man has opened his eyes! People who were watching could not believe their eyes: the person who “died” more than a month ago was returning back to life! The students helped their teacher to get up. He was weak, his arms and legs were hardly moving but he was alive! There were no doubts about it! It made the raja to believe in yogis special abilities. In two - tree days when the yogi teacher appeared before the raja in full health, without even any signs of burns he sad:

- OK, tech yoga!

Nothing had changed in the teaching methods of yoga since, though different teachers have different approaches in teaching it. Yoga without a teacher is impossible. No books or brochures could help in studying, because all motor (physical) exercises are done simultaneously with breathing and mental exercises, and only a living teacher could teach it. Not just any yogi could become a teacher; to become one he needs permission from his teacher. There are special criteria to do this. Only a teacher can teach his student to grow and develop, to control his spirit and to guide him on the path of Truth. Some of them (no matter what direction they take) would become enlightened, and then the Truth would open up to them. It is impossible to explain what the Truth is all about, one needs to discover it for himself, and that is up to the divine will. The enlightened yogi is on a higher level than others. His psychic and physical abilities are developed to the maximum. There are only a few of those on Earth and like any other yogis they see their mission in serving God and humanity.

The chain of Himalayan Mountains is glorious. The nature is tough and magnificent. The rivers are flowing in-between the rocks, the forests are standing like a giant walls being wind round from their roots up to the apexes by the lianas; in the depth of the forests herds of feral elephants are wondering, crocodiles are resting on the shores, feral peacocks are filing up the air at nights with their wild screams. The mysterious mountains are attracting and enticing. Here in Himalayas the river Gang is born. If one goes trough the southern slope where India is, one could in a short time get from the hot and humid jungles to the kingdom of icy silence. Here in the near approximation of Himalayan apexes and boarding Mountains of Tibet one could feel the breath of eternity. This stunning beauty of the nature was reflecting the greatness of the High Teacher of India and the spirit of enlightened yogis.

The time had come for Alid Faski Natva to live his Teacher. For a minute or so the Teacher and his student silently looked at each other. They did not experience any feeling of loss, because they knew that at any moment they could easily communicate with each other, distance meant nothing to them. The High Teacher taught him a lot. He gave him permission to teach others, using his gifts and abilities which have gone through a big transformation. He gave him special knowledge and power to give energy to others. But the most important thing for yogi is enlightenment. It would come to Alid Faski Natva; the Truth would open up to him, the Truth which is given only to a few people on Earth. He will get to know God. It will happen in a few years of self-development and than the enlightened Raja-yogi will become an intermediary between God and people on this Earth.

Alid Faski Natva left for Bombay with teachers who specially came for him to see him off. The love and respect between them was enormous. The plane took off. One of the most ancient countries on Earth – mysterious, beautiful and unique India was left behind. No one on the plane had any idea that on the board of this aircraft was a man with special gifts of earthy and unearthly wisdom.