Alid Faski Natva

Why do I feel bad?

As we receive a huge amount of letters from people who complain about their destiny, we asked Alid Faski Natva how we could help them.

“It is not surprising”, answered the Master. “People, who feel bad have placed earthly interests above Godly ones. On the other hand, life is like this: not everything can always be OK, it will always be made of 50% good and 50% evil. In this way people do not fall asleep and are constantly stimulated to reflect and ask: what do I live for? The meaning of life is not to be found in one’s career, in making a family or in satisfying one’s own wishes continuously. All this has never made any person happy!

The meaning of life is to cultivate love to God, for people, not only for your family, but for all people. Often people complain that nobody praises and loves them. But do they remember to praise God at least ten minutes a day and sent their love to Him? If not, then it is understandable why they feel bad. Every morning and evening it is necessary to hear Ashram Gita at least for 10 minutes. You can dance with any kind of music and cultivate love for God, the Teacher and other people. If it is sincere, then you will feel a state of happiness. If you want more happiness – dance more or simply hear Ashram Gita, be in a state of love. It is more important than studying in higher education, working or attending to one’s family. Leave all and do the most important thing in life. Remember what Jesus said: “Search for God’s Kingdom and by his will, everything else will be solved”.

Lots of people, however, do not fulfill their tasks: everyone should search for his destiny, that is what he can and wants to do, as well as what he does well and with great happiness. If he finds it, he will be happy. Otherwise, they suffer and, in addition, they make others suffer. Let’s take the example of education. Children are forced to study things that they do not really need, subjects that they will not use in life, something they do not have any interest for: the child suffers, his parents suffer senselessly. It is not necessary to force children to learn: let them find what they like to study and they will study it. Let them start to work and to receive money for what they do, let them do something practical with their hands: they will feel good and their parents will be relieved from the duty of having to be repressive towards their children. As for higher education, in general it is fictive: not everyone needs it except from those who have selected to make a career as scientists. Otherwise it is a waste of time and money.

No one should have a partner (a relationship) just for the sake of having one, but only when one feels good with the beloved, as there is no need to suffer and to keep a family only by will-power. No one should have children for the sake of it: if giving birth to a child is not a strong desire, why have children? Just to comply with the opinion of others. This is, indeed, foolish. As for one’s occupation, it is paramount to find a job one really likes.

If we bare in mind the above points of view, we can truly be happy.

Many people often suffer because of their illusion: they imagine something bad and suffer or, on the contrary, allure themselves: “I want a car, an apartment” or something else, but do not have a single penny to make their wishes come true. They may buy on credit or take out a loan. Why do such a thing? A person needs to do what comes easily, without any stress, live with what one has and not above one’s possibilities and be forced to keep three jobs simultaneously. It would be more desirable to go for a walk in the forest, relax and feel much better”.

After listening to the words of the teacher, we exclaimed: “It seems so easy and simple to be happy!”

“It seems like this”, said Alid Faski Natva. “A person is caught in many lies and finds it difficult to get out of them, as everybody around maintains the same lies throughout his life. For instance, parents might believe that not to provide their child with the highest possible level of education may be a horrible thing to do: how could the child live without it? How could their child not be like all other children?…. That is unhappy! And, of course, the environment normally adds more oil to the fire!

The same applies to the question of the partner: “Maybe I will never meet someone else and I shall be alone. He is not so good, but he is mine”.

People are very attached to their sufferings; they are ready to refuse pleasure, but not suffering, never! In their life they do not value anything as much as their attachments. That’s why there is great need for the school, for the Teacher, for the Ashram where people can be taught how to be happy.

When a person is together with a real Teacher, and is dedicated to him, comes under the grace of God and God liberates him from all evil. Everything in life is by the will of God! Every thought and every wish reaches firstly God and then He decides to manifest it or not.

“Why is there so much evil and pressure?”

“God allows evil”, answered Alid Faski Natva, “so that we may come to realize that evil is not necessary and that, in the end, it will do no good to anyone. A person needs to realize it consciously, live and feel it, as he is not a robot: he has a possibility to choose.

In Russia people are very unhappy, especially in the emotional sphere of life. In India there are thousands of Ashrams, every family has its own Guru, every home has a special room for a Teacher. People there are much more religious. In America every town has 5 to 10 thousand open sections, where, even if just as a hobby, Americans can study distance courses in Yoga, Qi Gong, Kapoeira and other techniques useful to heal the body and the soul. In this very country, however, in the early seventies was made a strong propaganda in favor of atheism, although it is now dominated by the fear of sects. In India our School of Shambala is considered one of the best, as it has two Teachers: many Indians dream to come to our Ashram!

For example, Dalai Lama – the main exponent of Tibetan Buddhism - has not reached enlightenment yet. If we met, he would bow in front of me and ask me to teach him, as in the hierarchy of yogis, he has only 4 points and I 9. There are also many who do not value our School, do not understand its level and, therefore, attend some lower level sections, where teachings appear easier or follow some charlatan, who falsely promise them more. What a pity! These people will need to suffer a very long time, before they become wiser!”